Realizing U life!
More than one!

Your best solution! U-like is a customer-centered partner
to provide wide services through mobile environmental integration.

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What We Do

U Like is here for your e-biz total solution from planning to operation including development and production in online and mobile service Marketing.

Our Service

Smart Wearables

Innovative smart wearables to make our lives more comfortable.

Mobile/IoE Planning

We understand integrated mobile environment and suggest a new platform services.


We are dedicated to developing IT service.(SW, APP, LMS, CMS etc.)


Service Management and system operation to satisfy clients and customers.


Company Brief Download

Contact Us

(KOREA) Ulike Co., Ltd.

Woolim W-CITY A401, 618, Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea


(USA) Ulike Creative, INC.

2070 N. First ST., STE 200, SAN JOSE, CA 95131